Kaza Kingsley Blog Tour


Welcome to stop #2 on Kaza Kingsley’s Blog tour.  Check out some questions Kaza answered for us, her faithful readers, and then take a peek at Kaza from a few years ago.  If you have not yet read them, you also need to check out her Erec Rex books, The Dragon’s Eye and The Monsters of Otherness.

What is the hardest part of writing for you?
The hardest and most overwhelming part of writing for me is what  happens after I finish the rough draft of a book. When I’m writing a rough draft, I free myself to go anywhere the story takes me. (Although I do follow some guideposts!) I don’t worry about the details, if I’ve used the same word too many times, or if a whole section isn’t quite right. I’m just living the story, watching it unfold. And I love that.

It’s what happens next that is so hard! I’ve been using a whole
different part of my brain for so long, it’s strange making the switch.  When I finish the rough draft I do a thorough edit on my work, and  it nearly drives me crazy.

That’s where I step back and look at the story as a whole. It’s not  as easy as it might seem. For me, at least, I have to picture all of  the scenes flowing together smoothly, watch for boring spots (those get yanked!) make sure the mystery is hinted at just right, and try and imagine the story threads like an interconnecting puzzle, with just the right chunks in the right spots. I move bits from one part of the book to another, cut scenes, add others.

It’s a huge pain in the neck! And it makes my head spin, until I get used to it after a week or two. It’s grueling, but definitely worth it. I’m kind of like a sculptor, chiseling the “right” story out of the rough draft. Once I have it where I want it, I still make a few more changes (being a perfectionist.) But at least then I can relax.

Doing the fine edit, wordplay, is low pressure and relaxing for me.

Plus, I really feel done then!

What is the best part?
Being finished!! Aahhh, so satisfying. I suppose a close tie is
writing the rough draft through some of the more exciting scenes. I really like that!

Do you ever get lost into your writing?
Yes. When I sink more and more into my story, which happens as I get  further into the rough draft, I do begin to feel as if it’s real. It’s almost like I’m living in two worlds at once! A cool feeling, really. Things that happen to me in real life don’t seem as significant then, which is good, I guess. It’s kind of like taking a vacation in your own mind!

That’s really only when I’m writing the rough draft, though. The editing part is so compulsive it gives me those kind of filing/ sorting /looking for things dreams at night.

If you had the chance, would you live in Alypium?
When I’m writing I kind of feel like I do live in Alypium!! But as far as really living there? Umm…No. I think I prefer magic to remain  inside my head. Not that I’m not adventurous, but Erec’s adventures  are a little wild for me! I like to know that I’ll be here tomorrow, safe and snug!

What authors would you most like to have dinner with?
Given anything, being a fantasy writer, I’d have to pick someone from the past. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a meal with William Shakespeare? When I was a kid I used to imagine how fun it would be to have someone from the distant past, like George Washington, appear in my kitchen
so I could show them all the new, cool stuff we have!

“Thanks for hosting me on my blog tour, Kate! It’s fun visiting so many sites. I hope you like the baby pictures of me along the way – each site is getting their own. You’ll see me grow up along the tour!”

Kaza as a Baby

Don’t forget to check out the rest of Kaza’s Blog Tour! She won’t be repeating any questions so you’ll hear cool new stuff every day!

1/7 – A Fort Made of Books

1/8 – Books4Ever

1/9 – Baseballs and Bows

1/10 – Fanatic Space Blog

1/11 – Bibliophile’s Retreat

1/12 – Children’s Literature Book Club

1/13 – Stephanie’s Confessions of a Book-A-Holic

1/14 – A Year of Books

1/15 – Author Chris Rettstatt’s blog

1/16 – Deliciously Clean Reads

1/17 – Into the Wardrobe

1/18 – Real Gurlz Magazine

1/19 – Chauceriangirl

13 thoughts on “Kaza Kingsley Blog Tour

  1. Hello Kaza!
    Love the cyber book tour! Very interesting idea!
    I was very interested in your answer concerning the hardest part of writing. I love the idea of just letting the pen flow and worry about the details later. Being an amateur (extremely amateur) writer myself it is a problem I’ve often come across. I may have to try your method next time I feel like putting quill to scroll.

  2. Christopher,
    I cannot stress enough how helpful this is when you are writing a novel or long story. First, the mind sets of writing and editing are so different, switching back and forth keeps me from sinking fully into the writing phase.

    It makes it easier to get through a long work, time-wise. Also, once your rough draft is done, it’s there like clay for you to mold as you like!

  3. This is once again another GREAT interview!
    The best part, ah, being finished. When I find myself tapping on the keyboard wildly I go into a different world. Usually, it’s a world out in Nevada where the wild horses roam free without worry. Or sometimes I find myself in a world full of magic and adventure. Thats just who I am. I love to writing part:)
    Knowing me, I would live in Alypium. I loves magic and often wish it was real:P
    Awesome interview, Kaza! Your books is easily one of the best I’ve read!

  4. once again, very nice interview! forgot this last time, i like the idea of side books, keep on writing for all your fans!

  5. Great interview, I would love living in all my favorite books, I sometimes feel stuck in the book. One time I was reading Erec Rex: The Dragon Eye, after a while i went up to go get a drink when I came back I went straight to the TV and flipped through the channels, I thought I was watching TV the book was so detailed.
    And I loved the interview it helps understand the mind of a writer.

  6. Hey Maggie – thanks! I love the image of wild horses roaming free in Nevada. How fun and peaceful at the same time! Yeah – there are times I would live in Alypium, too. In general I like the safety of home, since I know there are huge dangers there. But a lot of excitement, too!

    Hanna – I am SO excited to write a side book – I have one planned to do as soon as Book Three is done!!

    And Clarissa – that is so cool that you got that feeling from Erec Rex! I know the feeling. When I get really into writing it’s like watching TV or a movie!

  7. Nice interview Kaza! You are so cool! I was SO impressed with your books. When you said that you pretty much live in alypium when you wrote it, I feel the EXACT same way about when I write in my stories.


  8. Hey Erin! Thanks for stopping by!

    Carlotta – thank you! That’s a good sign wif you feel that way when you write. If you’re living it, there’s a good chance your readers will “live it” too when they read!

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